Thursday, September 29, 2011


Sorry for my lack of posts/anything interesting. I have been in a creative slump lately. laaaaame. So I have been trying to channel all this slump non-energy into cleaning energy. It is actually sort of working. We are over halfway done deep cleaning our basement which was a horror fest for reasons that is not entirely our fault. And I am trying to go through all my crap to get rid of clutter. My mom gave me this book called Clear Your Cluter with Feng Shui and it is about as ridiculous as it sounds but it works if you put things into a realistic perspective with a positive outlook. I know it's a bit of a stretch but it feels good to get rid of a bunch of stuff I don't need. (and I have a LOT. I am a really bad hoarder)

Hopefully this will change my slump luck into creative productiveness luck.

And here are some things that caught my eye in London. I want to go back!! so bad!!

Monday, September 5, 2011


Hola, it's Wool Week!
This is the week to promote and appreciate (even more than you already do I am sure!) wool as a great natural fiber! I did not know that such a week existed, but you can learn more about it on this LINK!

To educate and promote the great presence wool has as a natural renewable fiber in fashion, decided to do a lookbook competition.

Please consider voting for me or participating because we all know that wool is a wonderful thing.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

London, I miss you

What was in my bag at all times in London.

1. self machine knitted striped socks
2. yoshitomo nara planner with my business card
3. so-en magazine from the japan centre
4. fluffy balls of yarn from bricklane and prick my finger
5. target wallet with pounds and most importantly, my oyster card!
6. assorted knitting needles in its case from mom
7. target doggy pencil case full of pens, sanitizer, & carmex (his mouth opens!)
8. us passport